Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Milen Buzinski, has been announced. The sale will take place in the building of Sofia District Court from 02.08.2024 to 02.09.2024, end of working hours. 1. The first property is a meadow with an area of 2.466 decares located at the village of Mramor, Sofia municipality, Novi Iskar region, with an initial price of 56 100.00 BGN 2. The second property is areas with area 1534.00 sq.m., also in the village of Marble, Sofia Municipality, Novi Iskar region, with initial price of 35 280.00 BGN 3. The third property has an area of 2313.00 sq.m. in the village of Mramor, Sofia Municipality, Novi Iskar region, with initial price of 53 280.00 BGN. Those who wish to participate in the tender must submit a pre-payment of 10% of the starting price of the property to the designated account of the private court contractor Milen Buzinski. The proposals for participation must be signed and presented in a sealed envelope in the office of Sofia District Court until 02.09.2024, 17:00. Bids exceeding the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. The protocol for the announcement of the buyer will be drawn up on 03.09.2024 in Sofia District Court. For more information and contacts: Sofia, Blvd. Vitosha 10, floor 1, tel. 02 4397620, contact person Ivan Ruskov, tel. +359 893446471.
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