Public sale of real estate belonging to S.I.K. is announced, consisting of 4-6 parts of a yard in the village of Kutina, Sofia. The property includes a one-storey residential building with two rooms, a kitchen, an entrance hall and a basement. The real estate has an area of 390 sq. m, with outstanding accounts for 70 sq. m. It is part of plot HS-115 in district 9 of the village of Katina, Novi Iskar. The property is urbanized and is designed for low construction. The initial price of the property is 67 200 BGN, which is 80% of its market value. The property has several weights: 1. Forbidden in favor of MOTOBUL EAD, on 4/6 of the property. 2. Ban in favor of Bank of DSK AD, on 4/6 of the property. 3. Forbidden in favor of LEXACT Ltd, on 4/6 of the property. 4. Forbidden in favor of A.Z.S. N.V.E., on 4/6 of the property. The interested may review the property every working day in the court office and after prior appointment. As a caretaker on the property, S.I.K. has been appointed. The bid for participation in the sale is 10% of the starting price and is submitted in advance by bank transfer. The biders submit their proposals in a sealed envelope in the court office. Public sale ends on 14.01.2025 at 9:00 when the buyer will be announced.
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