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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Katina, district Stolichna

starting price: € 30923
area: 390 m2

There is a public sale of land property in the village of Katina, Novi Iskar region, with address 10 Iglika Str., with an area of 450 sq. m. The following buildings are located on the property: residential building with built area of 57 sq. m, building for another type of production, warehouse, infrastructure activity with built area of 55 sq. m, building for another type of production, warehouse, infrastructure activity with built area of 41 sq. m. The starting price of the property is 60 480 BGN. The property is subject to burdens from various executive cases, including for the benefit of MOTOBULEAD, DSK Bank, LEXACT LTD and A.Z.S. N.V.E. For a review of the property and documentation, interested parties may be presented in the court contractor's office. The C.I.C. has been assigned to contact the debtor. An amount of 10% of the starting bid price is required. The biders must present their bid for a price and submit the bid within the specified time limit. Bidding parties may withdraw their bids within a specified time limit. Public sale ends on the last working day. Bidding proposals which are not in accordance with the rules shall be considered invalid. On 06.11.2024 a protocol will be drawn up at 9:00 and the buyer will be announced in accordance with the law. The announced sale is held in Sofia, 54 Tsar Boris III Blvd.

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