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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Katina, district Stolichna

starting price: € 34359
area: 390 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Renetta Milcheva was announced. The property to be sold is located in Sofia and consists of four sixth part of the property with identifier 41010.4891.115, located in the village of Kutina, Sofia Municipality, Sofia district. On the property is located a one-storey residential building consisting of two rooms, kitchen, entrance hall and basement. The property has an area of 390 sq.m. and has outstanding bills of regulation for street use. The starting price for the property is set at 67 200.00 BGN. The property is burdened with weights as a ban on 4/6 per cent of the property for the benefit of MOTOBUL EAD, prohibited by current act Ho, prohibited on 4/6 per cent of the property for the benefit of LEXACT Ltd, prohibited by ID He over 4/6 of the property in favor of A.Z.S., and others. An amount of 10% of the starting price of the property for participation in the tender is mandatory. The interested parties may review the property after prior appointment on phone 0893 92 07. The bill shall be submitted in advance to the account of private bailiff Renetta Milcheva. The bids must present their offer for a price in a sealed envelope and receipt for the submitted bid. The bid will be held in the building of SRS in Sofia, with the starting price for the property is 67 200.00 BGN. The biders must be present at the tender, which will be held on 30.08.2024 in the presence of private court contractor Renetta Milcheva.

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