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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Business property

Auction sale of business property in Chepelare, district Chepelare

starting price: € 24536
area: 93 m2

Public sale of real estate owned by S.P.O. is announced, which will take place from 01.07.2024 to 17:00 on 01.08.2024. The real estate consists of two separate sites in a building in Chepelare, Chepelare municipality, Smolyan district. 1. The first object has an identifier 80371., with an area of 92.81 sq.m. and a purpose for another kind of self-contained object in a building. The site is on the floor -4 in a building with a total of 11 floors and 160 separate sites. The building is located in a land estate with an area of 4516 sq.m. The starting price is BGN 47 988 2. The second object has an identifier 80371., with an area of 172.14 sq.m. and a purpose for eating. The site is on the floor -4 in a building with a total of 11 floors and 160 separate sites. The building is located in a land estate with an area of 4510 sq.m. The starting price is 104 374.80 BGN. To participate in the bidding is required to place a task of BGN 1090 on the starting price of the real estate. The bidding proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and must contain a price, personal/company data of the bidder and signature. A bidding party can only make one offer. The buyer must submit the price offered by him within two weeks of his declaration as a buyer. The announcement of a buyer will take place on 02.08.2024 in Chepelare District Court, in the presence of the participants. The buyer owes fees for drawing up a decree of award and taxes on the sale price.

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