Public sale of real estate in the village of Kainardzha, Kainardja municipality, STAPANSKI DVOR locality, with identifier 35242.501.69 and area of 18 713 sq.m. The property is a permanent agricultural land used for farm yard, category 6. Boundary with real estate with identifiers: 35242.600.2077; 352242.501.71; 35242.187.56; 35242.240.21; 352242.501.65; 35242.25.9; 35242.225.6. The starting price for bidding of the property is 43 452.00 BGN. The public sale is second in line and the property is banned in favor of the demander. An amount of 10% of the starting price prior to participation in the sale is required. Bids can look at the property every Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to 5:00. Each participant may make only one bidding offer which must be submitted in a sealed envelope together with the receipt for the submitted claim. The bidding proposals may be withdrawn by the end of working hours on the last day. Offers for a price below or above the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. The bidding proposals will be announced on the next working day in the presence of the participants. Information about the place and time of submission and announcement of the proposals can be obtained in the office of the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev in Silistra, 5, Otets Paisiy Str., floor 1, as well as in the office of the District Court in Silistra.
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