Public sale of real estate belonging to the S.B. D., organized by the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev. The property is located in the village of Calipetrovo, Silistra municipality, Silistra district, on Blvd. Odessa number seven. The area of the property is 1115 sq.m. and is urbanized, with a lasting purpose for low building up to 10 meters. On the property is built a family building with two floors, separate basements, garage, spa center, gym, summer kitchen, swimming pool and own well. The starting price for the property is 194 400.00 BGN. The payment of the fee is mandatory, which represents 10% of the starting price of the property. The bid will be held in the District Court of Silistra, and the bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope together with a receipt for the submitted request. Any person can make only one bidding offer, with the sale ending at the end of the working day on the last day of the term. The bidding proposals will be announced after the end of the deadline for submission and the persons who are not entitled to participate in the public sale, the proposals of which are below the starting price or exceed the starting price by more than 30% will not be taken into account. Information about the place and time of the announcement of the bidding proposals can be obtained in the office of the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev or in the office of the District Court of Silistra.
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