Public sale of real estate belonging to the S.B. E., in order to satisfy the claim of "United Bulgarian Bank" AD. The real estate is listed as land estate with identifier 41143.50.868, located in the village of Kalipetrovo, Silistra, on 7 Odessa Str., with a total area of 1115 sq.m. The territory is urbanized with a way of lasting use - low construction (up to 10 m). On the property there are different buildings, including one-family residential building with an area of 150 sq.m., two floors, two basements, a ground floor on two levels and a second floor; hangar, depot, garage, agricultural building, converted into summer cuisine. There are improvements such as a sauna, its own well, external plastering of the house with decorative plaster, plastered with decorative stone and lining plates, as well as a pool for which construction papers are missing. The starting price at which the bidding will start for the property is 216 0000.00 BGN. The public sale will take place from 24.02.2023 to 24.03.2023 in the building of the District Court - Silistra.
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