Public sale of property, which is owned by Proactive Ltd (in liquidation) is announced and will take place from 24.05.2024 to 24.06.2024. It's about a building with an identifier. 00415.502.4033.1 located in the city of Alfatar, Silistra district. The building has a built-up area of 315 sq. m., with three floors and is designed for habitation. It was built in a sitting area of 7161 sq. m. with a farm yard. The starting price of the property is 128 304 BGN. There is a ban on the property in favour of the applicants listed in the Registry Office - Silistra. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price. The bids must offer a price that exceeds the starting price by not more than 30%. The proposals are accepted through the Registration Service in the Regional Court of Justice - Silistra. The sale ends on 24.06.2024 and the next working day opens the bids of the participants. The highest bider must submit the proposed amount within 2 weeks of its announcement as a buyer.
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