Public sale of real estate belonging to H.P.P., organized by the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev was announced. The property to be sold to satisfy the claim of UNICREDIT BULBANK AD is located in the town of Alphatar, Alfatar Municipality, on 15 Iliya Bluskov Str. and consists of the following parts: - Land property with identifier 00415.501.1127, with area of 2220 sq.m, with buildings such as one-storey one-storey residential building, agricultural buildings and garage. - Residential building with three rooms, summer kitchen, winter kitchen and basement. The starting price for the property is 22 400.00 BGN. The property is mortgaged in favor of the demandr. The bid for participation in the sale is 10% of the starting price and should be submitted in advance to the account of the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev. Those who want to look at the property can do it in certain days and hours during the public sale. The biders must submit their proposals in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court - Silistra. The bidding proposals may be announced at the beginning of the working day following the expiry of the deadline for their submission. All details of the sale can be obtained in the office of the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev and in the office of the District Court - Silistra.
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