Public sale of real estate belonging to Christopher Petrov was announced with identifier 00415.501.1127 located in Alfatar, Alfatar municipality. The property has an area of 2220 sq.m. and includes one-storey one-storey residential building, agricultural building, garage and other buildings. The starting price for bidding of the property is BGN 25 920.00. The property is mortgaged for the benefit of the applicant and is mandatory to submit a charge of 10% of the starting price for participation in the sale. Those who wish to look at the property can see the property every Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to 5:00. The bid will be held in the District Court-Silistra at the date and time indicated. The biders must submit their proposals in a sealed envelope together with the receipt for the submitted bid. Bidding offers may be withdrawn by the end of working hours on the last day. The price proposals below or above the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. Information about the place and time of the announcement of the bidding proposals can be obtained in the office of the private judicial contractor Georgi Georgiev in Silistra. Public sale is second in line and is declared to satisfy the claim of UNICREDIT BULBANK AD.
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