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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Novosel, district Shumen

starting price: € 3272
area: 4477 m2

Public sale of real estate is announced, which will be held by the private judicial contractor Daniela Zlateva. The public sale will take place from 19.11.2023 to 19.12.2023 in the building of the Regional Court - Shumen. The first property for sale is part of land property with identifier 52132.134.18, with an area of 4477 sq. m, located in the village of Bablets, Shumen municipality. The tender price for 1/3 of the property is 6 400,00 BGN. The weights for the property are the lease awarded to "Sirena" Ltd for 7 business years. The second property for sale is part of land property with identifier 1982, with an area of 280 sq. m, located in the village of Hashlak, Shumen district. The tender price for 1/3 of the property is BGN 2,880.00. The weights for the property are the lease assigned to the LISTA: V.P.D. Z.O.N. THE PRINCESS; for 1/3 of the property. In order to participate in the tender, it is necessary to submit a call in advance to a private judicial contractor's account. The biders submit their proposals in a sealed envelope, which are submitted in the proceedings of the District Court - Shumen. The public sale will take place on 20.12.2023 at 09:00 in the building of the Regional Court - Shumen, in the presence of the participants. If more than one participant is present, the announcement of the buyer will take place in the building of the Regional Court - Shumen. If any of the contestants orally offer a price higher with the size of one round, they will proceed to oral bidding.

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