Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Ana Rasheva was announced. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court Novi Pazar from 16.12.2022 to 16.01.2023 and includes the following properties: 1. House with yard, kitchen and two sheds with bathrooms in Novi Pazar, Shumen municipality, with an area of 512 sq.m., forming a plot of Sh-492 from quarter 29. 2. Four buildings with identifiers He 52009.501.306.1, He 52009.501.006.2, He 52009.501.306.3 and He 52009.501.306.4, located in Shumen district, Novi Pazar municipality, Novi Pazar city. 3. Identification of the shed He 52009.501.006.5. The buildings are designed for living and have different built-in areas. The properties can be viewed every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 2:00. The bid call is 10% of the starting price and is paid one day before the auction at the account of C.A.R. The biders may submit proposals for a price in a printed envelope in the District Court's proceedings. The bidding shall take place on 17.01.2023 in the presence of the bids, drawing up a protocol and announcing the buyer.
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