Public sale of real estate, owned by KOWASKO-PRESOV ZAVOD AD, organized by the private court contractor Ivan Hadjivanov by Ruse District Court. The sale will take place from 05.09.2023 to 05.10.2023 and includes the following properties: 1. Regulated land with identifier 47336.82.40 in the town of Marten, Ruse municipality, with an area of 10515 sq.m. and built in it building - two-ship steel-toothed hall with an annex, intended for production, with an initial price of 2 227 080 BGN 2. Regulated land with identifier 47336.82.49 in the town of Marten, Ruse municipality, with an area of 1941 sq.m. and built in it building - two-storey building, intended for administrative and industrial activity, with initial price 366 160 BGN. Property can be viewed every Thursday from 16:00 to 17:00 at the time of the sale. To participate in the bidding, those who wish to appear in the office of the Private Judicial Contractor in Ruse, must submit a call of 10% of the starting price and submit their proposals to the Registry of the Regional Court in Ruse. The sale ends at the end of the working time on the last day and the payment of the price follows within two weeks. In the case of payment by the declared buyer, the bid shall be returned to the remaining bids.
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