Public sale of real estate owned by T.I.S. has been announced. The property is a land property with an identifier of the cadastral map 36364.107.8, located in the village of Karan Varbovka, municipality. Lev mounds, Rousse area, AYAZMOTO area, with an area of 8000 sq.m. On the property is intended for another type of construction, representing a property with identifier 107008, located in the land of Karan Varbovka village, Municipality of Two Mogili, Ruse district, in the area "Ayazmoto" with an area of 8,000 deka. The property is formed from different parts with different ways of lasting use - rural areas and coniferous forest. The starting price of the property is 69 120.00 BGN with VAT. A view of the property is possible every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 to 6:00. To participate in the sale, each bidder must submit a call of 10% of the declared price. The sale ends on 30.08.2023 and the announcement of the buyer will take place on 31.08.2023 at 10:00h in the meeting room of the District Court of Byala.
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