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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Land for building

Auction sale of land for building in Dryanovets, district Byala

starting price: € 3773
area: 1843 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by J.K.L. EOOD was announced. The property is located in district 36 of the village of Dryanovets, Byala municipality, Ruse district. The property has an area of 1843 sq.m, including buildings such as a residential building with an area of 138 sq.m, a summer kitchen with an area of 18 sq.m, a secondary building with an area of 90 sq.m, another secondary building with an area of 18 sq.m, a shelter with fence walls and other buildings. The property is divided into two parts - U.P.I. UT -398 with an area of 1,100 sq.m and U.P.I. MP 398 with an area of 940 sq.m. The starting price of the property is 7380.00 BGN. An amount of 10% of the starting bid price is required. The purchase proposals must be submitted by 18.10.2023 to the District Court - Byala. The bider, who offered the highest price, becomes a buyer of the property and must submit the price offered by him within 2 weeks after his declaration as a buyer.

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