Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Ludmila Murdjanova, with registration number He 819 in Plovdiv. The sale will take place from 05.10.2024 to 05.11.2024 and includes the following properties: 1. 1/3 ideal part of land property with identifier 10207.8.61, located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an area of 740 sq.m., intended agricultural, way of use - meadow, category of land - 7. The starting price is 180 BGN 2.1/3 ideal part of land property with identifier 10207.22.106, located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an area of 2565 sq.m., intended agricultural, way of use - levels, category of land - 9. The starting price is BGN 619.20. The perfect parts are the property of the debtor I.L.S. On the properties there are weights listed in the CV/AV Karlovo. To review the properties, interested parties can visit CSI's office with a reg. He 819 in Plovdiv. The fee for participation in the sale is 100 BGN on the starting price of the property. Proposals for the purchase of the properties shall be submitted in writing and shall include a price with digits and words, with a receipt attached to the submitted claim. The bids are entitled to a written proposal, the price being indicated in both words and figures. When announcing a buyer with the written proposals, each bidder can offer an oral higher price with the size of one call. The buyer must submit the proposed price within two weeks of the buyer's announcement. In case he doesn't enter the price, he loses his job and his right to participate in the sale. On 06.11.2024 at 1:00 in RS Karlovo will be drawn up a protocol and announced the buyer.
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