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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Vasil Levski, district Karlovo

starting price: € 92
area: 740 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor L. Murdjanova, has been announced. The sale will take place from 05.10.2024 to 05.11.2024 and includes the following properties: 1. 1/3 perfect part of land property 10207.8.61 in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an area of 740 sq.m., with a lasting purpose for agricultural activity - meadow. The starting price is 180 BGN 2.1/3 ideal part of land property 10207.22.106 in Vasil Levski village, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an area of 2565 sq.m., with a lasting purpose for agricultural activity - levels. The starting price is BGN 619.20. The perfect parts are the property of the debtor I.L.S. On the properties there are weights listed in the CV/AV Karlovo. The interested may visit the court contractor's office in Plovdiv to review the papers. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9.30 and 10.30 hours, property can be viewed. The fee for participation in the sale is 100 BGN on the starting price of the property. The bidders must submit a written proposal in a sealed envelope indicating their price in both figures and words. The bidding proposals are submitted in the Register "Public Sales" of RS - Karlovo. In relation to the buyer of the public sale, when the final cost of the property is more than 15 000 euros, measures are applied for a complex inspection of the SMI. The buyer must provide a declaration of the origin of the funds. Proposals exceeding the starting price by 30% are invalid. On 06.11.2024 at 1300 hours in RS Karlovo will be announced the buyer. In the event that it does not submit the proposed price within two weeks, it shall lose the call and the right to participate in the sale. The buyer must provide a declaration of the origin of the funds.

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