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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Vasil Levski, district Karlovo

starting price: € 1411
area: 3405 m2

There is a public sale of several real estates, which will be held in the building of the District Court in Karlovo. The sale will take place on 09.11.2023 at 11:00 by the private judicial contractor Todor Lukov. The real estate to be sold is as follows: 1. Land property with identifier 10207.2.52, area 971 sq.m., category of land: 5, with starting price of 1560 BGN 2. Land property with identifier 10207.2.51, area 450 sq.m., category of land: 5, with starting price of 720 BGN 3. Land property with identifier 10207.24.235, area 3405 sq.m., category of land: 5, with initial price of 2760 BGN 4. Land property with identifier 10207.24.236, area 2170 sq.m., category of land: 5, with starting price of 1760 BGN. Bidding at the public sale will start at the starting price and each bidder must submit a claim of BGN 1090 in advance. The buyers can see the real estate in working hours in the District Court in Karlovo. Offers for purchase are submitted in an envelope in the office of the Regional Court of Justice, with bids to provide declarations on the origin of the funds and with a value of more than 15,000 euros - and the actual owner of the legal person. Bidding ends on the last working day of the sale.

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