Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Mariana Kirova, with registration number He 823 and District of Action District Court Plovdiv. Public sale will take place to satisfy the claim of the demandr DOUBLE location, all built and unbuilt with an area of 892 sq. m, located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property includes two-storey massive apartment, residential building and other improvements. The starting price for bidding is 97 440 BGN. The time for viewing of the property is from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 6:00. For contacts with the firm of the private court contractor can be used the phones: 0326266771; 0879530677. The participation of the participants in the public sale is required to pay 10% of the starting price in advance on the account of the HMK in the Bank of DSK. The bids may indicate their price offer with both figures and words and submit it with a receipt for the package submitted in a sealed envelope. The proposals are submitted in the proceedings of Karlovo District Court. The bidder can only make one offer. Offers for a price below or above 30% are invalid. If the proposed price exceeds 30 000 BGN, the bidder must present a declaration of origin of the funds. The public sale protocol will be drawn up by the private court contractor, who will announce the buyer under the law.
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