Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Petya Nikolova, registration number 911 at the Chamber of Private Judicial Contractors, with an area of action in Plovdiv has been announced. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court in Karlovo, as the announcement of a buyer will take place on 13.06.2023. The property for sale is located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property with identifier 10207.19.70 is agricultural with an area of 957 sq.m. The starting price of the property is 322.31 BGN. The owner of the property is the debtor of the execution case - I.S.I. The second property to be sold has a identifier 10207.19.69 and an area of 998 sq.m., also in the village of Vasil Levski. The starting price of this property is 336,30 BGN. The owner of this property is also an I.S.I. The third property for sale has a identifier 10207.34.47 and an area of 286 sq.m. in the village of Vasil Levski. The starting price of this property is 128.74 BGN. The owner of this property is also an I.S.I. Anyone wishing to participate in the public sale may appear in the proceedings of the District Court in Karlovo or in the office of the C.P. N. in Plovdiv, able to review the book on sale. Offers for purchase are submitted to the office of the District Court in Karlovo. The sale ends at the end of the business day of the last day. When buying a property with a price above 29337,435 BGN (15000 euro), the buyer must present a declaration of origin of the funds. The buyer's obligations include fees and costs for drawing up a decree of award, tax under the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, fees for entering a decree of award and others. Public sale is organized according to Art. 489 of the GIC and will be held at the specified dates and hours.
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