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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Vasil Levski, district Karlovo

starting price: € 165
area: 957 m2

Public sale of real estate was announced in accordance with the case No 20239110400300/2023, conducted by the private court contractor Petya Nikolova, registration number 911 at the Chamber of Private Judicial Contractors in the Plovdiv region. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court in Karlovo, on 13.06.2023 at 1:00 p.m. The first property for sale is a real estate with identifier 10207.19.70, located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an area of 957 sq.m., a purpose for agricultural uses, category 6 of land. The starting price of the property is 322.31 BGN. The second property has identifier 10207.19.69, with area of 998 sq.m, located also in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is intended for agricultural uses category 6 of land. The starting price of this property is 336,30 BGN. The third property for sale has identifier 10207.34.47, with area of 286 sq.m, located in the village of Vasil Levski, Karlovo municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is intended for agricultural use category 7 of land. The starting price of this property is 128.74 BGN. All who wish to participate in the public sale can appear in the proceedings of the District Court in Karlovo or in the office of the C.P. N. in Plovdiv, 29A Yoakim Gruev Str. Offers for purchase must be submitted within 17:00 on each working day. A preliminary obligation of 10% of the starting price must be paid by bank transfer. The bids must fill in a code of the reference account by bank transfer and offer a price, the proposal must contain personal data, a description of the property, a performance number, a date and time of opening the proposals, the proposed price in figures and words and other documents. Bidding agents who are not allowed to participate in the sale cannot offer a price lower than the starting price. Acquired fees and declarations of origin of the funds shall be required depending on the property price. The sale ends at the end of the working day on the last day of the deadline for proposals. The proposals may be reviewed later within the same deadline. In the event of a successful purchase, the buyer must pay fees and charges under the CSI fee rate.

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