Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Dragomira Mitrova in the framework of the executive case was announced H. 20098280400033 in the District Court of Plovdiv. The sale will take place between 09.04.2023 and 09.05.2023 of the following properties: 1. Residential property with identifier He 69016.184.46, located in Starosel village, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district, with an area of 1374 sq.m., intended for agricultural activity, with an initial price of 2016 BGN. 2. Residential property with identifier G 69016.135.43, located in Starosel village, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district, with an area of 2996 sq.m., intended for pasture, with an initial price of 3240 BGN. 3. Residential property with identifier G 69016.435.36, located in Starosel village, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district, with an area of 4999 sq.m., intended for forest land, with an initial price of 7200 BGN. The property is owned by the debtor I.A.K. All interested parties can visit the Plovdiv Private Judicial Contractor's Office to review the documentation. The tender call shall be submitted in advance by bank transfer. The offers for purchase are accepted in the Register "Public Sales" of the District Court of Plovdiv until 10.05.2023 when a protocol will be drawn up and the buyer will be announced.
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