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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of warehouse in Dolna Gradeshnitsa, district Kresna

starting price: € 4602
area: 177 m2

A public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor in implementation case No 22029080400646 was announced. The first property has identifier No69016.194.9, with area of 1602 sq.m, located in the village of Starosel, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is agricultural land with intended levels category of land 4. The initial price of the property is 3218.40lv. There's a ban on CSI on it. The second property has identifier No69016.132.30, with area of 3496 sq.m, located in the village of Starosel, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is agricultural land with the purpose of abandoned levels, category of land 10. The initial price of the second property is 5536.80 BGN. And there's a ban on CSI on it. Participation in the sale is required in advance submission of a task of 1090 BGN for each property. The proposals for the purchase of the properties are submitted to the office of the District Court-Plovdiv until 04.05.2023. The bider can make only one bidding offer, which can be withdrawn by 17.00. on the same date. The proposed prices above 30 000.00lv. require presentation of a declaration of origin of funds. At 05.05.2023 the bidding offers will be opened and the buyer announced.

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