Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Boyka Andreeva, was announced. The first property is by cadastral number 69016.194.9 in the village of Starosel, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is agricultural land with an area of 1602 sq.m., intended for levels category of land 4. The initial price of the property is 3576 BGN. The second property is by cadastral number 69016.132.30, with an area of 3496 sq.m. in the village of Starosel, Hisarya municipality, Plovdiv district. The property is abandoned levels with a category of land 10. The initial price of the second property is BGN 6152. For participation in the sale is required a task of BGN 1090 on the starting price, which is imported by bank transfer. The interested may visit the law firm of the court or the District Court in Plovdiv for information and view of the properties. Offers for purchase are accepted until 16.02.2023 in the office of the Regional Court of Justice - Plovdiv. The bids must present documents about the origin of the funds, and proposals with a price of over 30 000 BGN require a special declaration. The sale will take place on 17.02.2023 in the Plovdiv District Court building.
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