Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Mariana Obretenova, registered under number 758 at the District Court - Plovdiv was announced. The sale will take place between 06.01.2023 and 06.02.2023 and includes the following properties: 1. Land property with a permanent use PACE, with an area of 3.003 decare, category 10, located in the village of Starosel, Hissar municipality, Plovdiv district. The starting price is BGN 3 888.00 2. Land property with a way of lasting use - LOSE, with an area of 2.001 deka, located in the village of Starosel, Hissar municipality, Plovdiv district. The starting price is BGN 3,801.60. The properties can be examined every working day from 10:00 to 17:00 in the office of CSI Reg. 758 in Plovdiv, as well as in the building of RS - Plovdiv. The bid for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and is submitted in advance to the account of the Bulgarian Bank of Bulgaria AD. The offers for purchase are submitted in a printed envelope in "Registrate public sales" of RS - Plovdiv until 17:00 on 06.02.2023. On 07.02.2023 at 2:00 will be prepared a protocol and will be announced the buyer of the property. Bidding agents must comply with the rules for the provision of declarations of origin of funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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