Public sale of real estate owned by DIMITROV LATEV and BD.L. - PANCHEVA was announced. The property is based on cadastral map and registers of the town of Perushtitsa, Perushtitsa municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has a identifier 5898.501323, with an area of 12 sq.m. and is a land estate with low construction, without an earlier plan. The property includes a residential building, garage, agricultural building, all with improvements and apparitions. The starting bid price is BGN 122 400. The bidding proposals will be announced on 28.04.2023 at the District Court of Plovdiv. For participation in the public sale it is necessary to submit a claim of 10% of the starting price. The bidding proposals are accepted in a sealed non-transparent envelope in the District Court of Plovdiv. All participants must provide complete data and documents. Offers with a price lower or higher by 30% of the starting price are invalid.
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