Public sale of real estate is announced, which is located in the village of Momino selo, municipality of Rakovski, Plovdiv. The property has identifier 48948.501.256 on the cadastral map of the village. The area of the property is 1438 sq.m. and is designed for low construction. The property has a building - a massive two-storey house with unfinished construction activities. The starting price of the property is 60 163 BGN and 1 penny. The sale will take place on 27.03.2023 at the District Court of Plovdiv and the announcement of the buyer will be on 28.03.2023. The biders must submit a 30 per cent bid of the starting price of the property. Participation in the tender is required in advance to submit the mandatory claim to the bailout's bank account. The property is burdened with restrictions established in the Registry Office. All who wish to participate in the public sale must appear in the proceedings of the District Court in Plovdiv or in the office of the private court contractor. Purchase proposals must be submitted in writing and contain certain data for the bidder. Bidding must also present a declaration of the origin of their funds. The notice shall end with instructions on the date and time of the buyer's announcement and the procedure for issuing the minutes.
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