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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Kurtovo Konare, district Stamboliyski

starting price: € 365774
area: 737 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Boyka Andreeva, registration number 908, with action in Plovdiv district was announced. The sale is second in line and will take place from 01.06.2024 to 01.07.2024, ending at the end of the working time of the last day - 17:00 on 01.07.2024. For sale are real estate owned by the debtor - "Marica-FBT" OOD, EIK "831183828." One of the properties is referred to as land property in the village of Kurtovo Konare, Stamboliiski municipality, Plovdiv district, with an area of 8 799 sq.m, for agricultural use. Buildings such as warehouses and infrastructure sites are also included. The starting price for the property is 715 392 BGN with VAT. The properties have different weights and entries, including contractual mortgages and bans. For participation in the sale is required a task of BGN 1090 on the starting price. The buyers can see the properties every working day in the firm of the contractor or in the District Court - Plovdiv. A review of the properties is also possible on the weekend on preliminary request. To participate in the sale, bids must be submitted by 17:00 on 01.07.2024. The announcement of the buyers will take place on 02.07.2024 in the building of Plovdiv District Court.

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