Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Petya Nikolova, with registration number He 911 at the Chamber of Private Judicial Artists, with an area of action in Plovdiv. The sale will take place from 22.05.2023 to 22.06.2023 in the building of the District Court - Plovdiv and the announcement of a buyer will be at 23.06.2023 from 12.00 hours from the private judicial contractor in the building of the District Court - Plovdiv. The properties sold are the following: 1) Yard place in Kurtovo Konare village, Stamboliiski municipality, Plovdivska district, with an area of 1230 sq.m. The starting price is 19122,36 BGN 2) Yard place in Kurtovo Konare village, Stamboliiski municipality, Plovdivska district, with an area of 1320 sq.m. The starting price is 20521,56 BGN 3) Yard place in Kurtovo Konare village, Stamboliiski municipality, Plovdivska district, with an area of 980 sq.m. The starting price is BGN 15235.70. Property is owned by the debtor in the enforcement case - P.S.O. with A.C. 115819444. On the properties there are established weights listed in AB - Registry Office - Plovdiv. Those wishing to participate in the public sale may review the property at the specified days and hours. It is mandatory to place a call on the starting price to participate in the bidding. The bidding proposals shall be submitted before the end of the working day on the last day of the sale. The potential buyer must submit fees and expenses for participation in the sale, as well as provide declarations and documents, as required by the law. In the case of a price achieved above a certain amount, the buyer must submit additional documents. During the sale, oral bidding takes place, and the bids may take part in the procedure with the mandatory submission and submission of the necessary documents.
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