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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Kurtovo Konare, district Stamboliyski

starting price: € 90
area: 5313 m2

Public sale of property in the village of Kurtovo Konare, Stamboliiski municipality, Plovdiv district was announced. The property has identifier 40717.39.144, with area of 531 sq.m., intended agricultural land, category of land 4. The starting price for bidding is 175.88 BGN. The property is owned by M.S.S. On the property there are established weights listed in AB - Registry Office in Plovdiv. Those who wish to participate in the public sale must appear in public sales of the District Court - Plovdiv or in the office of Private Judicial Contractor Petya Nikolova. The bids must fill out a bid offer and submit 1090 BGN to the bank account of CSI. Proposals with a price below or above the starting price by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. A bidding party can only make one offer. The announcement of a buyer will take place on 10.01.2023 in the presence of the private judicial contractor in the District Court - Plovdiv.

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