Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Petya Nikolova, registration number He 911, at the Chamber of Private Judicial Contractors with an area of action in the District Court - Plovdiv. The sale will take place on 15.12.2022 in the building of the District Court - Plovdiv. The tender will offer real estate located in the village of Kurtovo Konare, Stamboliiski Municipality, Plovdiv region. The property consists of 712 units of agricultural property with identifier 40717.25.72, with an area of 2001 sq.m. and a purpose for agricultural activity. The starting price of the property is 12 339.46 BGN, as a mandatory participation of 1090 BGN should be paid in advance to the account of CSI. A higher auction price may be offered on the starting price. All eligible participants may submit bidding proposals and must also submit binding documents, including a declaration of origin of the funds at a price above 30000 BGN. The buyer's announcement will take place on 15.12.2022 in the presence of the bids. All details of the property and the tender procedure can be obtained in the Public Sales Office of the District Court - Plovdiv or in the office of H.P.H. The property viewing time is set for Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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