Public sale of real estate in the village of Belozem, Rakovski municipality, Plovdiv district was announced. The property includes a yard with an area of 1008 sq.m., regulated land property X-462 in 62, massive residential building, massive buildings and other buildings. The starting price for the property is 128 793,66 BGN. The property is the object of ownership between A.A.P. and P.N.I. On the property there are established weights - forbidden and claim application. Those who wish to participate in the public sale can view the property at certain days and hours, as well as submit bidding proposals. The bid for participation in the sale is BGN 1090. Bidding agents must submit documents and declarations as required. Offers for a price below or above the starting price by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. The sale ends on the last day of the indicated period. A declaration of origin of the funds shall be required upon notification of a buyer at a price offered above a certain amount. In the event of entry into possession of the property, additional fees and registration fees shall be due. The announcement of a buyer will take place on 04.07.2024 in the presence of the bids.
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