Public sale of real estate in the village of Belozem, Plovdiv district was announced. The property is a regulated land property with identification number U-654, with an area of 770 sq.m. The property has two cobblestone residential buildings - one with an area of 48 sq.m. and the other with an area of 25 sq.m. One building with an area of 25 sq.m. was collapsed on the date of the inventory. The starting price of the property is 39 120 BGN, which represents 80% of its value. There are several burdens on the property, including claims and bans. Owners of the property are N.S.G., V.S.N., G.S.C. and S.P.V. The sale will take place on 13.12.2023 in the building of the District Court in Plovdiv. The bid for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and must be submitted in advance to the bank account of the Private Judicial Contractor. The bids must be presented in a sealed envelope in the district court office. The buyer's announcement will take place on 14.12.2023 in the presence of the bids and the buyer will be determined on the basis of the highest bid price. If several bids offer the same highest price, the buyer will be determined by lot. There are also detailed procedures for describing the property in case there are administrative or cadastral discrepancies.
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