Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Petko Iliev was announced. The property to be auctioned is an ideal part of land estate with an area of 1665 sq.m. in district 46 of the village of Belozem, municipality of Rakovski, district of Plovdiv. The starting price for this property is 7920 BGN. The owner of the property is Y.N.K. On the property there are various property burdens, including foreclosures in favor of the demandr and contractual mortgage. The sale will be held in Plovdiv District Court and the bidding proposals will be open on 06.11.2023 at 12:00h. The property can be viewed each working day between 14:00 and 18:00 at the indicated address. To participate in the bidding is required to submit a bill of 100 BGN, which is paid to the account of the private court contractor Petko Iliev. All documents related to the sale are available in the office of the District Court - Plovdiv during the working hours of the court. In the event of non-compliance with the rules for participation in the tender, the person may be punished with imprisonment for up to two years or a fine from one hundred to three hundred levs, according to the legislation.
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