Public sale of real estate in the region of Plovdiv is announced as the owner is V.H.B. EOOD. The property is 1/2 per cent of land property with identifier 03304.10.49, located in the village of Belashtitsa, Rodopi municipality, Plovdiv district, with an area of 3 396 sq.m. and a lasting purpose for agricultural levels. The starting bid price is 44 080.00 BGN and the bid rate is 10% of the starting price. The mortgage and other restrictions on the property are entered. In order to participate in the public sale, it is necessary to submit the call in advance on a bank basis. The bid will take place on 09.11.2023 in the District Court - Plovdiv. Each bidder must present his proposal in the designated court room and submit the call. The bidding proposals will be opened on 10.11.2023 in the presence of the bids. The property book will be available in the court's proceedings, where buyers can deal with it. All interested parties may examine the property every day and access to it is free.
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