Public sale of real estate in the village of Belashtitsa, municipality of Rodopi, Plovdiv district was announced. The property has an identifier 03304.1.404 and has an area of 565 sq.m. for agricultural activities, with the possibility of permanent construction up to 10 meters. The starting price of the property is 30 400 BGN. The public sale will be held in Plovdiv District Court from 09.05.2023 until 09.06.2023 and the bidding offers will be opened on 12.06.2023 at 11:00 in the room for the announcement of a buyer in the building of Plovdiv District Court. The property is owned by BELENDA. There are property burdens from EXPRES LTD with EIC 130305699. The real estate can be viewed every working day between 16:00 and 18:00 at the address of the property. The book for sale is available in the office of the District Court - Plovdiv during working hours. An amount of 1 sales price is required to be paid to the H.P.I. account. Breaking the law, such as removing or damaging a stamp, can lead to criminal measures.
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