Public sale of real estate in the village of Belashtitsa, municipality of Rodopi, Plovdiv district was announced. The property has an identifier Me 03304.1.245, with an area of 7083 sq.m., intended - agricultural, use - levels of land category - 3. The starting price of the property is BGN 17 760. The property is burdened with a ban imposed by the private judicial contractor Boyka Andreeva, for guarantee of the claim of the demanding "D.L.A.". The interested parties may review the property every day from 10:00 to 17:00 at the time of the sale after prior request. It is mandatory to submit a task of BGN 1090 to Central Cooperative Bank AD before participation in the sale. The biders must submit a proposal in a sealed envelope with a receipt for the submitted bid by the end of the working time of the last day of the sale. Bidding agents can make only one proposal and individuals must present a declaration of origin of the funds and legal persons - documents complying with the requirements of the law. The buyer's announcement will take place the next day of the sale in the presence of the private judicial contractor.
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