Public sale of real estate is announced, which is organized by private court contractor Petko Iliev, registration number He 821, acting in the District Court - Plovdiv. The property under sale is Regulated land property (UPI) with an area of 3.493 da, located in the village of Belashtitsa, Rodopi municipality, Plovdiv district. The property has an identifier 03304.14.149 and intended for low-development agricultural activities. The starting price of the property is 84 000 BGN. The owner of the property is D.I.E. On the property there are property burdens that can be considered in the firm of the contractor. The sale will be held in Plovdiv District Court in the period from 06. 03.2023 to 06.04.2023 and the bidding offers will be open on 07.04.2023 at 11:00. To participate in the bidding is required a fee of 1020 BGN, which must be paid to the account of H.P.I... The property can be viewed every working day between 12:00 and 16:00 on-site. The sales book is available in the District Court - Plovdiv at working hours. The procedure for the sale of the property is consistent with the legislation and requirements for holding public tenders.
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