Public sale of property is announced in Velingrad, Velingrad municipality, Pazardzhik district. The property is a private object in a building with an identifier 10450.502.634.1.4, located on 4th internship, with an area of 97.00 sq.m. The property is an apartment with neighboring objects and parts intended for apartments. The starting bid price is BGN 58 040, representing 80% of the property's valuation. Different acts and claims are listed on the property. The interested parties may review the property after prior arrangement with the property manager. It is mandatory to submit a task of BGN 1090 for participation in the sale. The biders must submit their proposals in a sealed envelope with an import note for the submitted bid. The biders can make only one offer and can withdraw it by the specified deadline. The buyer's announcement will take place on 28.05.2024 in the presence of the bids. The buyer is defined as the highest bidder. In the case of equal offers, the buyer shall be determined by lot. The court contractor can ask three times for a higher price by adding the size of a job. In the event that no one offers a higher price, the buyer shall be determined at the highest bid price. Participation in the sale may also take the dividers, subject to certain rules for determining the buyer. In the case of equal proposals between the judges, a new sale takes place, which lasts a week. If none of the judges buys the property, it shall be assigned to the third-party bidder of the split offering the highest price at the first sale. The buyer's announcement will take place in Velingrad on 28.05.2024.
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