Public sale of real estate is announced, which is owned by the debtor V.G.S.. The property is on a cadastral map and cadastral registers approved by order of the Executive Director of the AGK. The real estate is located in the village of Lyahovo, Pazardzhik municipality, Pazardzhik district and has an area of 5 086 sq.m. The territory has a permanent purpose for agricultural activity, category of land - 4. The starting price of the property is 8 560.00 BGN. The property has prohibitions entered into the Registry Office in Pazardzhik. There are prohibitions entered in the Registry, Act and Volumes Office in the performance of the private judicial contractor Georgi Tarlevski. The time for viewing of the property and the documents for sale is set in working hours of the District Court - Pazardzhik. The fee for participation in the public sale is BGN 856,00, which represents 10% of the starting price. The bidding proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the Regional Court of Pazardzhik by 17:00 at the latest on the last day of the sale. The submitted bidding proposals will be announced to the participants at the designated date and time in the building of the Regional Court of Pazardzhik. The biders can offer an oral higher price, in which case the bider with the highest price is announced. According to the Law on Measures against Money Laundering, in the event that the proposed price is equal to or above a certain amount, the bidders must submit declarations to the court contractor.
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