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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Valchedram, district Valchedram

starting price: € 341351
area: 3777 m2

Public sale of mortgaged real estate belonging to the company "GOPAGRO" Ltd., based in Sofia, ul. "Prof. G. Bradistlov" MZ, vh. B, floor 1, ap. 7-8. The property is located in the town of Valchedrum, Valchedrum municipality, Montana district. The plot has identifier 12543.919.94 and has urbanised territory, intended for another type of production or storage site. The built-up area is 3777 sq.m., with a building with identifier 12543.919.44.1, designed for warehouse base, with an area of 1557 sq.m. There are moving items in the building, such as a grain ventilation system, a lifting system and an expedition of grain, a thermocontrol system, a thermoprobe and others. The starting price for the public sale of the property, the building and the moving goods is 667 624 BGN, of which 658 576 BGN are for the property and the building and 9 048 BGN for the movable items. On the property there are different burdens, including mortgages in favor of "TOCUDA BANK" AD and "United Bulgarian Bank." The visitors can visit and inspect the property every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 15:00 to 17:00 during the public sale. The written bidding proposals are accepted in the Judicial Executive Service at the Regional Court of Lom. There is a mandatory deposit of 10% of the starting price of C.M.I. in C.C.B. AD, Montana branch. All submitted written bidding proposals will be announced on the spot.

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