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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Mokresh, district Valchedram

starting price: € 6835
area: 4285 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by debtors B.S.B. from Mokresh and V.A.H.-Borislavova from Sofia is announced. The property is by cadastral map and cadastral registers with identifier 48859.10.503, with address in the village of Mokresh, Volcedram Municipality, Montana area, with area of 4285 sq.m. and durable purpose for another type of production, storage site. The starting price for public sale is BGN 13 368. There's a ban on the property in favor of the S.G.I. Those who wish to see and examine the property can do so at the specified days and hours during the sale. The book on sale is held in the office of the Judicial Executive Service at the District Court of Lom. Written bidding proposals shall be submitted to the relevant service and shall be reflected in a special register. An amount of 10% of the starting price of the property is required. The proposals will be announced to the bids at the specified date and time in the building of the Regional Court of Lom.

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