Public sale of real estate, owned by S.B.E., organized by private judicial contractor Maya Ivanova was announced. The real estate is part of a land estate in the village of Mokresh, Valchedrum municipality, Montana, with an area of 44.850 acres, categorized as a farmyard. In the property are located buildings owned by the debtor Progress M 2000 EAD, including a bread factory, snacks and pasta, equipped with various machinery and equipment for production. The starting price for public sale is 85 138,56 BGN. The real estate is burdened with mortgages in favor of B.B.Z. Development AD. All interested may visit the property for viewing in the specified days and hours. Written bidding proposals are accepted in the judicial service at the Regional Court of Justice - Lom. The bid will be held on 18.09.2023 in the building of the Regional Court of Lom.
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