There is a public sale of several real estates that are owned by mortgage debtors V.G.M. and N.S.M. by the town of Danubetsi. The first property has an identifier 44238.501.6181, located in Lom, Lom municipality, Montana district, with an area of 1037 sq.m. It is urbanised and intended for another public object. The starting price for this property is BGN 9 367.20. The second property has an identifier 44238.501.6182, with an area of 1109 sq.m, also located in Lom. It is also urbanized and intended for a public site and the starting price for it is BGN 1002240. The third property has an identifier 44238.501.6183, with an area of 884 sq.m, located in Lom. It is urbanized and designed for another public site with an initial price of 7 984.80 BGN. The fourth property has an identifier 44238.501.6186, with an area of 1079 sq.m, also located in the town of Lom. It is urbanized and intended for a public site, the starting price for it is BGN 9 748.80. All properties have a registered legal mortgage in favor of the applicant "Unicredit Bulbank." The book on sale is kept in the office of the Judicial Executive Service at the District Court of Lom and are available for everyone interested. The written bidding proposals shall be submitted to the Judicial Executive Office at the Regional Court of Lom and shall be reflected in a special entry register. The bid will be held on 17.02.2025 in the building of the Regional Court of Lom.
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