There is a public sale of real estate in Lom, Lom municipality, Montana district, with an initial price of 6 752.00 BGN. The property is a private object in a building with an identifier 44238.506.46.5.59, address Lom, 34 Grandpa Tseko Voivoda Str., et. 7, ap. 59. The site has an area of 42.00 sq.m. and consists of a room, kitchen and service rooms. The property has ideal parts of the common areas of the building and the right to construction on the site. The property is burdened with various burdens such as mortgages and forbade. All interested parties can look at the property in the designated days and hours in Lom. Written bidding proposals shall be accepted in the Judicial Executive Service at the Regional Court of Justice - Lom and shall be reflected in a special register. It is mandatory to place a 10% charge of the starting price by bank transfer. The written bidding proposals will be announced on 03.02.2025 in the presence of the bidding parties in the Regional Court of Lom. For more information and a view of the property you can contact Private Judicial Contractor Maya Ivanova of the mentioned contacts.
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