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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Lom, district Lom

starting price: € 4533
area: 906 m2

Public sale of real estate in Lom, owned by mortgage debtors G.I. and S.A.I., was announced in order to satisfy the claim of U.B.A. The real estate includes e.g. land property with identifier 44238.502.664, with an area of 906 sq.m., with a permanent purpose for low building, including built building with identifier 44238.502.664, with an area of 107 sq.m. and a purpose for a residential building. The property document indicates a yard with an area of 450 sq.m, representing 1/2 of the entire yard with an area of 900 sq.m. The total starting price of the property is 8866.40 BGN. The property has established a contractual mortgage in favor of U.B.A. of the amount of 50,000.00 BGN, as well as prohibited by C.M.I. in favor of the same creditor. The visitors can examine the property in the designated days and hours in Lom, 18 Yavor Str.. Written bidding proposals are accepted in S.I.S. at the Regional Court of Lom. The bid rate is 10% of the starting price and is paid by bank transfer. The deadline for submitting bidding proposals shall be by the specified date and time.

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