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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of other in Lom, district Lom

starting price: € 5322
area: 1037 m2

Public sale of real estate owned by mortgage debtors has been announced V.G.M. and N.S.M. to secure the claim of the U.B.A. The first property is land property with identifier 44238.501.6181 in the town of Lom, with an area of 1037 sq.m., with a lasting purpose for another public object, with an initial price of 10 408 BGN. The second property is land property with identifier 44238.501.6182 in Lom city, with an area of 1109 sq.m., with an initial price of 11 006 BGN. The third property is land property with identifier 44238.501.6183 in Lom city, with an area of 884 sq.m., with initial price of 88 BGN. The fourth property is land property with identifier 44238.501.61.6186 in Lom city, with an area of 1079 sq.m., with initial price of 10 832 BGN. All properties are urbanized and intended for another public establishment. The properties can be viewed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 to 5:00. Written bidding proposals shall be submitted to the judicial office of the Regional Court of Lom. The bid rate is 10% of the starting price and is imported into C.K.B. AD, Montana branch. The written bidding proposals will be reviewed on 04.11.2024 in the building of the Regional Court of Lom.

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