Public sale of real estate, organized by a private court contractor Annie Vasileva was announced. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court in Lom, in the Court Hall, from 19.07.2024 to 19.08.2024. At the auction will be offered mortgaged and forbidden property in Lom, Bozveli Str. He 30, vh. B, floor 4, ap. 12, belonging to Snezhana and Georgi Pavlovi, successor Ludmila Lyubenova. The property is an apartment with an area of 119.81 sq.m, including a dining room kitchen, three bedrooms, living room, bathroom, toilet and laundry room. The apartment belongs to a clean room - a basement, a loft and a garage. The building was built in 1995 and is in excellent condition. The property is secured by plumbing and power installations, communication is secured for cars and pedestrian access. The starting price of the property is 163 450.40 BGN. There is a contractual mortgage and a ban on the property. Those who wish can review the documents on the sale in the office of CSI A. Vasileva in Montana. It is mandatory to place a 10% charge on the starting price. The biders must submit a written offer for a price and receipt for the submitted bid. The proposals are accepted at the Regional Court in Lom. On 20.08.2024 an auction will be held for the sale of the property.
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