Public sale of real estate owned by mortgage debtors - S.V.P., V.D.V., K.S.P. and M.S. P... The property is a regulated land property for production and warehouse activities in Lom, with an area of 400 sq.m. It includes a building - a bakery and bakery with built-up area of 203.24 sq.m. and a purpose for warehouse and production activities. The starting price of the property is 39 560 BGN. On the property there are weights - mortgage in favor of "UNICREDIT BULBANK" AD, prohibited by a private court contractor and contract for a mission. Views of the property are held at certain days and hours in the town of Lom. The written bidding proposals are accepted in the Judicial Executive Service at the Regional Court of Lom. Participation in the bidding can be made through contributions to C.C.B. The deadline for submission of written proposals is 25.07.2024 in the building of the District Court.
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